About joining the team: — The winter competitive season will begin in October and lasts until early February. — Tryouts for the winter dance team are open to rising 7th through 12th graders. — New this year: We will be hosting joint Captain's practices prior to tryouts. This is optional for all dancers interested in the ADT program. This will be held at Armstrong High School on 4/3, 4/8, 4/10 4/22, 5/1 & 5/8 from 3:45-5:00pm. Please wear comfortable dance attire and bring a water bottle. - Spring tryouts are for anyone interested in the winter competitive team. (Note: Winter competitive team tryouts will be hybrid this year. Interested dancers will sign-up to receive the video of the combo. They will work on the combo on their own and then attend the optional 4/15 session with the captains to review the combo prior to performing for the coaches. They will sign up for a tryout time on 4/17 with our coaches.) The 4/17 tryout will be a 15 minute slot for the dancers to perform the combo as well as an across the floor. **please note we will be holding the later time slots for our middle school dancers due to the school end time. — Pre-season tryouts will be held again in October. Team placement (Varsity, JV, B Squad) will be determined then. To join summer practices and activities, please reach out to [email protected] about joining the team!
- Fall Placement tryouts will be held October 21st and 22nd at Armstrong high school 3:45pm - 5:45pm.
AHS Athletic Registration Information: — Registration for winter sports will take place some time in October. The participation fee for the winter season will be paid at that time. — All participants in activities programs at Armstrong High School must be fully registered prior to the participant's tryout and/or first practice. Online registrationis encouraged; paper forms can be picked up at the Armstrong Activities Office or downloaded from the Robbinsdale District website. Registration forms and participation fees can be returned to the Activities Office during office hours: 7:00 am to 2:30 pm OR scanned and emailed to [email protected]
Sports Physical: Proof of a qualifying sports physical done in the past three calendar years is required by the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL). Registration and participation details are found on the Robbinsdale District website. If you are a returning participant, you can check at https://ahs.rdale.org/activities/activities or in the activities office. You will not be able to participate if your physical is not up to date.